Thursday, 1 May 2014

Scientific Methods/Approaches used in Economics

What are some of the common scientific methods/approaches that are used in Economics?

In Economics, scientific methods are one of the most commonly used approaches used to identify and solve problems. Some of the commonly used scientific approaches/methods used in Economics are as follow:

The identification of a problem or phenomenon: Over the years, since time immemorial, the first step in the scientific study of Economics has always been to identify a problem. Here, the economist tries his or her best to identify an economic problem or a phenomenon that can be researched upon. The economist then carries out a major study or research into the problem or phenomenon. The economist hopes to use this step to find possible answers to the problem he or she has identified.

The observation of facts through the collection of data: Another scientific approach used involves the gathering of data pertaining to the problem identified or the phenomenon. Here, the economist would find his target audience and use a study or research instrument such as interviewing to gather relevant information or data for the study. Another study instrument that is often used by researchers is questionnaires.

The analysis of the data collected: The data collected is then analyzed critically by the use of statistical tools such as pie charts, histograms, bar graphs, etc. The purpose of this is so that researchers can discover a particular pattern.

The pattern discovered are used to formulate theories: Having discovered a pattern, then a law or theory is formulated from the pattern. These theories or laws become universally accepted as true under certain circumstances.

Predictions are made based on the theories: Having formulated the theories or laws, economists then use them to predict or forecast future occurrences of certain economic policies that are presently being taken.

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